Neither the state of Washington, nor any agency, officer or employee of the Washington State University warrants the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information published by Place4Students website, nor endorses any content, viewpoints, products, or services and shall not be held liable for any losses caused by reliance on the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of such information. Washington State University Spokane assumes no responsibility for contracts/leases between individuals. Washington State University Spokane is not responsible or liable for the consequences of any off-campus housing arrangement. In addition, Washington State University does not endorse or sponsor any of the agencies, services, advertisements, properties or landlords included in this website. The information is provided only as an aid in your search for housing. Students are under no obligation to use this service or rent from companies or individuals listed. Students are strongly encouraged to use due diligence and to obtain references and other information regarding listings and facilities. Portions of such information may be incorrect or not current. Any person or entity that relies on any information obtained from this system does so at his or her own risk.