Listings appearing on the www.places4students.com site are not endorsed or guaranteed by Drew University. Site users are solely responsible for their choice of landlord, roommate(s), and rental units. Places4Students residential listings are provided as a convenience to Drew University students (“University”) students, faculty and staff who are able to enter the website through their drew.edu email. The University is only providing notice of a resource to assist the University community in locating available housing in the area surrounding the campus. The University does not:
· Approve the accuracy of any information posted on the site,
· Endorse a landlord or residential unit,
· Validate a unit’s safety or cleanliness, or
· Confirm that listed properties comply with building, safety or fire codes.
Users of the site contract with each other at their own risk. It is the user’s obligation to understand their legal rights, risks, and responsibilities, including possible need for renters’ insurance. Before signing a lease or the Places4Students disclaimer or user agreement, read the terms and conditions carefully. Be aware that Places4Students does not confirm any identities or the accuracy of any posted information. Be careful to evaluate the property, the landlord, and the safety and security of the surrounding area and any commute.
Students, faculty and staff are under no obligation to utilize this site. Other alternatives exist. Real estate agents can provide assistance in locating available housing for a fee, and listings can be found on other online sites.