The information provided on this online housing service, places4students.com, has been provided by private landlords and other individuals not associated with NSCC. The accommodations have not been inspected by NSCC and NSCC cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of the content or information contained therein. The inclusion of any property or rental unit on this website does not constitute, and shall not be construed or reported as (1) an endorsement or approval by NSCC of the landlord, its properties, or its business practices, or (2) a warranty or representation of NSCC as to the quality, safety or other features of such property and/or its owners or management agents. Students should make an informed decision about all rental opportunities. Making an informed decision includes, for example, meeting with the landlord and/or property manager and inspecting the premises prior to making a decision to sign a lease.
Users of this service communicate and contract with each other individually and at their own risk. NSCC, including its Board, officers, agents, and employees, assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage incurred by any individual or entity arising in any way out of the listing on this site including the rental of any property listed on this site.