Landlord/Advertiser Account Registration

* = required

Note: This account profile is for Office Use Only and must contain YOUR contact information. This section is NOT for the rental property information (unless both are the same).

First Name: *
Middle Initial:
Last Name: *
Company Name:
Street Address: *
Zip/Postal Code: *
Primary Telephone: *
Secondary Telephone:
Landlord User ID: *

Note: * The minimum password requirement is 8 characters long with at least 1 numerical character.

Secret Question:*
Secret Answer: *
Yes, I accept the User Agreement.
YES, I consent to receive e-communications with FREE offers, discounts or coupons, contests, newsletters, publications, press releases, announcements, invitations and other news or information from


Account Benefits

Don't have an account yet?
Here are some benefits to creating an account with

  • User-friendly system to manage your rentals online, 24/7
  • Partner schools promote and refer students directly to the website
  • Live customer support and more!

Advertising Costs